Arona Air Show 2022 sneak peek

ARONA AIR SHOW 2022 Sunday 10 July from 14.20 the following performed: 3 FLYING PLANES from the Como aeroclub, HH139A DIMOSAR, T6, STEARMAN WING WALKER, SUKHOI 31M, HELICOPTER LEONARDO, CAP 231 to conclude at 16.00 with the performance of the Frecce Tricolori of the National Aerobatic Team of the Italian Air Force. The show is […]

EN9100 Certification Renewal

Since 2019, Aerosystems has been certified for the EN9100 certificate for the aviation and aerospace industry. In order to maintain the EN9100 certificate, Aerosystems was audited by Kiwa UNAVIACert in March 2022. We are happy to announce that our license is successfully renewed for the next years! Aerosystems work is focused on the aviation industry, […]

There’s a new HAAS in town!

The recently build Aerosystems facility is filling up quickly.  A new HAAS ST-25Y CNC Lathe Machine was delivered this month.  And it’s being installed as this post is being written. Aerosystems is on track to move in and start up new operations as planned.  This latest arrival at our manufacturing facility in Angera represents an […]

Aerograppa 2021

Nell’ottica di favorire la collaborazione tra imprese locali e altri attori del territorio del Lago Maggiore, la “Rossi D’Angera”ed “Aerosystems” hanno collaborato anche quest’anno alla realizzazione di una tiratura limitata di Grappa promozionale denominata “Aerograppa 2021” con un forte richiamo al futurismo, alla vocazione aeronautica dell’azienda ed al territorio in cui opera. Guidata da Arturo […]

HSE Health Safety and Environment

This Health, Safety and Environment Guide define Aerosystems commitment to workplace health and safety, as well as identify tasks associated with maintaining a safe, professional environment. The Health, Safety and Environment policies that affect our workers are at the heart of Aerosystems’ philosophy. These policies are at the heart of a comprehensive approach that can guide […]