Quality Policy – Italian

Nel 2019 Aerosystems S.r.l. ha deciso di certificarsi secondo la UNI EN ISO 9001 ed i più severi standard di garanzia della qualità UNI EN ISO 9100. La certificazione EN9100 è uno standard del settore aerospaziale riconosciuto a livello mondiale che definisce i requisiti del sistema di qualità per i fornitori dell’industria aerospaziale. EN9100 si […]

Quality Assurance

Our Products and Services are developed and qualified according to customer specifications and in close collaboration with airframer companies. Our aerospace customers appreciate the scope and Quality of our Certifications EN9100 and ISO9001:2015 certified manufacturing capabilities and the quality of our component supply. Aerosystems is also a certified EASA Part 21 Product Organization and a […]

New Certification EN9100

AEROSYSTEMS S.r.l. is pleased to announce the achievement of the EN9100: 2018 and UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 quality certifications in order to guarantee a continuous improvement of quality in the provision of our services. AEROSYSTEMS S.r.l. is a company founded after the proportional spin-off of TEMA S.a.s. of which continues the design, development, production, […]