Happy Holidays 2023

Chiusura Festività Natalizie – Christmas Holiday ClosureVi informiamo che i nostri uffici saranno chiusi per le festività natalizie a partire da Sabato 23 Dicembre 2023, fino a Domenica 7 Gennaio 2024. We inform you that our offices will be closed for the Christmas holidays from Saturday 23 December 2023 until Sunday 7 January 2024.“Happy Holidays […]

New CNC Big Boy landed in Aerosystems

Aerosystems machine shop benefits from new CNC Lathe HAAS ST30Y Our Machine Shop recently got a new Haas CNC lathe ST30Y. Celada Group and Binetti & Forlani has supplied Aerosystems factory in Angera with the brand-new HAAS ST-30Y as part of a wider investment made by the company to help it increase its productivity levels […]

International Civil Aviation Day 2022

  In 1996 the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed that 7 December was to be the International Civil Aviation Day. The day has been celebrated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) since 7 December 1994, the 50th anniversary of the signing the Convention on International Civil Aviation. The purpose of the day is to […]

AEROGIN, the Aviator Gin by Aerosystems

  Nell’ottica di favorire la collaborazione tra imprese locali e altri attori del territorio del Lago Maggiore, la “Rossi D’Angera” ed “Aerosystems” hanno collaborato anche quest’anno alla realizzazione di una tiratura limitata di GIN promozionale denominato “AEROGIN” con un forte richiamo al vintage, alla vocazione aeronautica dell’azienda ed al territorio in cui opera. Guidata da […]