In 2019 Aerosystems S.r.l. made the decision to become certified to UNI EN ISO 9001 and the more stringent UNI EN ISO 9100 quality assurance standards. The EN9100 certification is a globally recognized aerospace–sector standard that defines the Quality System requirements for suppliers in the aerospace industry. EN9100 is based on ISO 9001 with additional requirements plus other qualifications and amplifications. Aerosystems chose to adopt EN9100 because we knew it would make us a better company.

Today Aerosystems uses its engineering and manufacturing expertise, as well as ISO9001/EN9100 certification, to provide products and parts to industries such as aerospace, aviation, medical and more. As a global supplier of parts requiring Engineered flexibility, Aerosystems is frequently acknowledge by its customers for a high-quality product which is delivered on-time and backed by outstanding service.



Aerosystems Products’ objective is to consistently satisfy our customers’ requirements with quality products and excellent service. We are committed to improving the effectiveness of the Quality Management System and our ability to deliver quality products in the right quantity, to the right place, at the right time, and provide value to our customers.



Customer Satisfaction and Exceeding Customer Expectations through the creation of electro-mechanical components for the aerospace industry.



Aerosystems intends to assume a prominent place on the international market in the design, manufacturing and mantaiance of innovative electro-mechanical components for the aerospace industry, proposing itself as a Production and Services Company able to meet the ever growing needs of the major international aerospace industries.



This Quality Policy is in compliance to the requirements of the EN 9100: 2018 (UNI EN 9100: 2018) standard.

For the two-year period 2023-2024, the Management imposed itself the maintenance of UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015, EN9100: 2018, EASA Part 21, EASA Part 145 Certifications and the extension of the Capability List (LOA) and the conformity to statutory and mandatory requirements.


Consequently, the constant improvement of the Product and the Quality System is the priority objective, achievable through the company Improvement Plan developed on the basis of the following Guidelines:

  • Continuous improvement of the product and system requires the involvement and participation of all personnel at all levels. The main reason must be “CUSTOMER SATISFACTION” and “EXCEEDING CUSTOMER EXPECTATIONS
  • Each manager must create such conditions so that their collaborators can understand and apply the company quality policy and contribute to CONTINUOS IMPROVEMENT
  • The EDUCATION and TRAINING ACTIVITY must be accurate and continuous and must concern all personnel.
  • The Management, based on the knowledge of the Customer needs and the comparison with the best competition, consistently with the company’s strategy, periodically defines the priority OBJECTIVES on which to operate.


The Objectives are established in the Strategy Plan and are as follows:

Contract Assignment: Creation of New Products to increase the Capability List.

Customer Experience: Continuous improvement of the Customer Experience 

LMS: Implementation of a consolidated training system – Learning Management System

SMS: Comply with the new requirements for Safety Management Systems foreseen by EASA Policy


The Management has established that the Quality Policy is subjected to periodic review in order to evaluate its adequacy and correspondence with the expectations and requirements of customers and mandatory ones. The topics relating to the review of the adequacy of the policy are included in the Management review.

The Company has chosen to follow a line of conduct based on the utmost attention in monitoring the level of service provided to Customers, intended not only as a mere provision of a certificate, but also and above all as assistance and transparency of information towards of the Client Company. The Management asks all staff for the widest collaboration to maintain the Certifications , implementing everything contained in the prescribed documents of the company Quality System and reporting any possible improvement to the various managers. 

AEROSYSTEMS – January 2024


FF16 Issue B – AS Quality Policy 2024